I have bought a Miniserver and some extensions for a few days ago.
I have following some beginners tutorials on Loxone website Config for beginners. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5WAw...kM8XA4UlSQ_Q7T which learnt me a lot. Some things have moved to other locations since I work with Loxone 10 compared to the version used in the video's
I've looked for the mentioned config for intermediate videos but didn't found them, suspect they are never made?
My issue that in the tutorials they speak about Search extension button which I can't find on my version 10 config. https://www.loxone.com/enen/wp-conte...ion_Search.png
I can add an extension but I want to find the one that I have wired up correctly. How to I do that in this version of Loxone config, where is the find extension button?
26-2-2019 Update: I found that in the search functionality of Loxone configuration, could type in 1Wire and when selecting the search result the left LED on the 1Wire extension starts to alternate red/orange for a while.
27-2-2019 I also have added 1 DS18B20 temperature sensor with 3 short wires. That seems to be recognized as well as I see the ID 28.CF.FD.97......., but where do I see the temperature it is measuring? Also in the Miniserver Device status is tell me that the serial number is and that the status/last reception is Unknown"