Config for a heating solution

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    Config for a heating solution

    Hi guys, just wanting to know a few thoughts on how to achieve the following in Loxone
    Scenario i need to create a heating hot water flow based on a couple of settings.
    I've seen and worked on BMS systems using the outside air temperature, and based on on two other settings at 0 degrees OAT boiler flow is to be 80 degrees, and at 20 degrees OAT it requires 20 degrees boiler flow. This flow automatically changes based on the OAT temp and those settings.
    Any thoughts?
  • duncan
    LoxBus Spammer
    • 28.08.2015
    • 313

    a loxone heating curve block will do what you want

    T target temp set to 20
    AI fed with the outside temperature
    S slope (gain) of heating curve set to 2.8
    N offset set to -2
    Min set to 20
    Max set to 80

    the output AQ is the target temperature to drive your hot water mixer/boiler (the control mechanism depends here on which you are controlling and how its controlled)


    • Gast

      Zitat von duncan
      a loxone heating curve block will do what you want

      T target temp set to 20
      AI fed with the outside temperature
      S slope (gain) of heating curve set to 2.8
      N offset set to -2
      Min set to 20
      Max set to 80

      the output AQ is the target temperature to drive your hot water mixer/boiler (the control mechanism depends here on which you are controlling and how its controlled)

      Duncan that's great, never thought of using the slope in Loxone. The boiler is an oil combi boiler so has the room stat temp, and also the input for the DHW and CH which the two latter controls was going to be used via a timing schedule.
      I've also got 9 rooms which will be fed via radiators with the Air actuators and will be controlled individually via the thermostat boiler input.
      Should be ok to use in the middle of that lot somewhere

