Question about RGBW 24V Dimmer Tree. On this page ( the following is stated:
"The RGBW Dimmer tree has a total capacity of 200W split into 50W per channel. If required these can be commoned in order to gain for example 2 groups of 100 watts or 1 of 200W."
This is exactly what I would like to achieve. I have 2, 24V, led strips, each of about 60-80W, and would like to connect them with 1 RGBW 24V Dimmer Tree."
I assume that the cabling looks like this (Is this correct?):
But what does the configuration look like in Loxone Config?
- What is the Actuator Type that I should choose for the RGBW 24V Dimmer Tree?
- How does the configuration take place in combination with the Lightning Controller?
Is what has been configured below correct?
Thanks for the help!