KNX Blinds integrated with "Automatic blinds" function block

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    KNX Blinds integrated with "Automatic blinds" function block


    Maybe someone has installed KNX blinds and made them work with "Automatic blinds" function block to open/close them needed ammount according to sun position? I don't understand how can I achieve this with KNX blinds. It is all clear when using "EIB blinds" block, because there are outputs for long, short and move to position group addresses, but how can I integrate KNX into "Automatic blinds"? This is my progress so far:

    Zuletzt geändert von Gast; 15.04.2019, 17:51.
  • Gast

    What I'm trying to achieve is that there is a switch on visualisation which turns off or on the automation of blinds and if it is turned on then if the current month is between May and September, then if it is sunrise it opens blinds completely, if it is sunset - closes them completely and then throughout the day it would adjust position according to sun position to avoid direct sunlight in room. Maybe someone has examples how to achieve this and could help me?

    Thank You!!


    • Gast

      Am I able to control EIB blinds (no slats) by position with automatic blinds block? I see there is no analogue output on automatic blinds block, so does it mean with EIB blinds I have only the ability to fully open or close blinds?


      • Christian Fenzl
        Lebende Foren Legende
        • 31.08.2015
        • 11234

        There are analog outs for blinds and slats AQp and AQl.

        Loxone’s Automatic Blinds do not support KNX itself, most of us therefore use this configuration:
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