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I'm trying to use the outcome of "unequals" to trigger another block.
The problem is that the output Q of unequals does not refresh if the inputs change as long as the condition is met: if they are still unequal, the output stays 1.
Is there an easy way to detect if an analogue value changes?
Just to update...
In the unequals block, A1 is the output of a state, whereas A2 is a constant. I don't have that many possible values for A1, so I currently changed it to multiple "equals" block (one for each possible value, except for the one previously in the unequals block), each of which connects to a multifunction switch with a short output-time setting. The outputs of these multifunction switches are connected to the block I want to trigger. Any change of A1 changes the equals block that is matched and thus generates a new trigger. Typing this makes me wonder if the multifunction switches are at all necessary.
It is a bit cumbersome as I need that many equals blocks and constants for each output of the state, but I don't see another way to generate a trigger. Still, hope it helps someone. :-)
That functionality is very nice (but completely not explained in the description of the function block). It should make things a bit easier.
(sorry, I should have searched through the wiki better)
Somehow the delay does not work; it keeps changing the value as if the delay was not set...
I output the AQ of a status block to two memoryflags, both set to analogue, one has a delay 0, the other a delay 1. On a change of the status, both contain the new value of the status...
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