I'm trying to modernize my old config to make it up to date with the new components (config was made originally with Loxone Config 7, so things have changed). Now I'm fighting with the Intelligent Room Controller, and want to be sure I understand it.
In the IRCv1, you had 4 temperatures ("comfort", "cosy", "frost" and "party") to use in the schedule; you set your operation mode and the temperature that matches with it. It seems now there are only 2 ("in use" and "off"). But what does it mean? I mean, the solid colour means it is active and you can choose "in use" or "off", whereas the light yellow means the mode is not active. How do you interpret that: does the light yellow imply "off" or "not in use"? And what about "Fabric Protection", which by default has "off"?
Second thing, It means I cannot schedule 3 different temperatures - even though there are three different temperature presets? In most of my rooms, I use 3 temperatures to distinguish between home, night and away (+ protection if away for a long time), so this is a bit of an issue for me. There are inputs to trigger different temperatures (Ic for "comfort", Ia for "not in use" and Io for "off"). I could use "protection" as "away", and "not in use" as "night", but the labels are a bit counter-intuitive for a bedroom (but ok, I could get over this). And I would still be missing my fourth temperature. One option I see is to change the comfort temperature using the parameter input TC, so I could e.g. use away with a TC of 15 for short periods away and e.g. change the comfort temperature for longer times away. This would not be visible in the schedule (but at least the UI would show the changed temperature setting), but I don't see another way...
Any suggestions?