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I have Miniserver and I am searching for solution to control air ventilation - device which I have is controlled by PWM (frequency shall be btw 1-4kHz, speed and direction of fan is controlled by PWM - duty cycle below 40% means blowing air IN, duty cycle over 60% means blowing air OUT, duty cycle btw 45-55% means fan is IDLE).
I am searching how to implement PWM output and controlling duty cycle. Which functional block within loxoneconfig to use.
what voltage is the pwm signal? assuming its around 12-24v then a 0-10v pwm led dimmer with a 1khz frequency would give you an easy way to get this up and running
Well, try to get a remote control for your air conditioning system. It seems like your air conditioning system is not optimized properly. Try to update your software if this doesn't work, and you should try cleaning your ducts and installing the proper air filters. In my situation, these actions helped me with fixing the problem. If you cannot fix the problem by yourself, I suggest you get professional help from a professional air conditioning company like these guys https://topairsystems.com/. I approach them every time I need help with my air conditioning systems.
Zuletzt geändert von ursoncorrente; 16.11.2022, 11:49.
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