difference app and webinterface

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  • nico louis
    Dumb Home'r
    • 19.05.2019
    • 13


    difference app and webinterface

    Hi all,

    is there a difference when you login through the app or the webinterface from outside your network?

    I always used loxone dns through port 80 (internet provider doesn't allow extended port forwarding) and that worked great for multiple years.
    Now i have a USG unifi router, so i thought why not try a different port. So i placed the router of the internet provider in DMZ.
    Went to the usg port forwarded incomming all connection port 55544 to 'loxone IP" port 80. Changed the loxone cloud dns port in the in the miniserver to 55544 and tested.
    Opened the app and it all worked then opened the webinterface and can't connect.

    I thought that the app and the webinterface both worked through the loxone dns port 55544 or am i wrong?
    What is the difference so i can get it both to work

    an additional question:
    the ports loxone mention on their website are they for incoming traffic or only outgoing?

    kind regards
    Zuletzt geändert von nico louis; 28.06.2019, 14:37.
  • LoxCat
    Smart Home'r
    • 05.11.2018
    • 54

    Hi nico louis the Loxone standard config is port 80 for the visualisation in the browser.

    So you have to forward all ports (https://www.loxone.com/nlnl/kb/online-vrijgave/) to work perfectly....


    • nico louis
      Dumb Home'r
      • 19.05.2019
      • 13

      hi loxcat

      thankx for the quick response
      so i did it this way, anything else cause browser still not working.

