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I've linked my Loxone to a 2N IP Base video intercom. I've two fixed tablets with the loxone app. When someone calls they give a notification and everything works as it should (audio and video).
However under the activity option in the app there are no images stored and i can't download any images. Any ideas what might cause this?
Hi, yes i solved it. I dont have the config now available. But if im not mistaken it was because i had to remove the framerate in fps from the image url. Below are my stream url and image url on call from my loxone app. you off course need to change the ip. If that doesnt work let me know and i'll check in the config.
I attached my config. Hope this can help you. Second printscreen is the config of my button that is linked to my intercom 'deurcontrole' block.I however suspect it might also be a 'problem' with your cellphone and the push notification it receives.
My config is not perfect as i can't speak to visitors on my cellphone when i'm on my home wifi. my host for audio (intern) is wrong, it worked before with my internal ip but during the fiddeling with settings (probably on my videophone configuration) i got this wrong. On my tablets i can however speak to visitors and also on my cellphone when i'm not at home as well so i didn't bother anymore. Probably you wont have this issue. If you would have any idea why this doesn't work you could help me as well.
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