I have a MiniServer, EIB bus, KNX-IP gate, RTI Control for user interfaces, DALI and 1-10 lights.
DALI have one channel 0-100% control.
I need next.
Wall push button, knx ON/OFF telegram, KNX Brightness telegram.
Output: DALI light, KNX status ON/OFF, KNX status Brightness
Push button do "next mood" on Lightning controller for 100/70/50/20/0 brightness.
KNX On/Off telegram must toggle DALI light 100%/0% or switch next mood too.
KNX Brightness telegram must set 0-100%
Loxone must generate "KNX status ON" telegram if DALI light >0, and "KNX status OFF" telegram if DALI light =0
"KNX status Brightness" must be equal "KNX Brightness telegram"
No matter, either push button change a mood through lightning controller, or knx telegrams do it. I need actual feedback.
How to make aestetic scheme in Loxone Config?
I tried next, works almost fine, but KNX ON/OFF status don't work properly. If 1_3_4 >0 then 1_2_4 always ON
How to make aestetic scheme in Loxone Config? Fix somesthing in my scheme, or make from scratch?
adv 1_1_4 - KNX toggle telegram, advanced sensor make a pulse.
1_3_4 - KNX brightness
1_2_4 - KNX status ON/OFF for DALI
1_4_4 - KNX status of Brightness