I updated to two days ago, from 8. something. The update went fine seemingly (confirmed in the log file). All device statuses are green.
Straight after the update I pushed a minor change to the configuration. Loxone config confirmed configurations were identical for a short time, but then I got a critical error saying could not load the configuration. Red right LED on the miniserver. So I rebooted the miniserver as per the documentation, and server lights all went back to normal flashing green. But in Loxone config it says the configuration on the miniserver is 2019-09-16 15:00:06 (right before I updated the software, and definitely not when I did the later push), and "configuration not identical". I've tried again since, same result. I don't know if everything was "all right" straight after the update since I pushed the new config straight away without really worrying about it.
Neither web nor app interfaces are working - I've cleared caches and tried loading a new miniserver in the app. On the web interface I get "Unexpected token b in JSON at position 1", on the Android app "The app was not able to process the configuration of your miniserver". As far as I can tell the system is running as it was before the update, but without web/app i/fs it's hard to be certain. The log file ends with the update successful message, no mention of any subsequent pushes from me.
In device status->Loxone miniserver->right click I can get the log file, but Get LoxApp3.json returns me nothing. I can ftp into the miniserver and as far as I can tell the \prog directory looks OK, but I'm not an expert on what it should look like or which files the miniserver considers to be the latest configuration. http://<miniserver IP>/data/LoxAPP3.json gets me something a couple of lines long, but it doesn't feel like the real thing. When I Load from Miniserver, I get "Serial number mismatch..." in red, and it returns a very basic config with no house specific detail. The config I pushed validates fine in Loxone config, bar a few "unused rooms" etc.
Raised a support ticket but it's slow going - they suggested might be write-protected SD card but I've seen updates from an engineer go through fine some years back and haven't done anything to it since. I have adequate backups should I ever get the system working properly.
Any help/suggestions appreciated.