Web and app interfaces not working after update to

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    Web and app interfaces not working after update to

    First post. I'm a home user of a Loxone system inherited when we bought the house. Reasonable IT skills but not a Loxone expert (on the way to becoming one I fear).

    I updated to two days ago, from 8. something. The update went fine seemingly (confirmed in the log file). All device statuses are green.

    Straight after the update I pushed a minor change to the configuration. Loxone config confirmed configurations were identical for a short time, but then I got a critical error saying could not load the configuration. Red right LED on the miniserver. So I rebooted the miniserver as per the documentation, and server lights all went back to normal flashing green. But in Loxone config it says the configuration on the miniserver is 2019-09-16 15:00:06 (right before I updated the software, and definitely not when I did the later push), and "configuration not identical". I've tried again since, same result. I don't know if everything was "all right" straight after the update since I pushed the new config straight away without really worrying about it.

    Neither web nor app interfaces are working - I've cleared caches and tried loading a new miniserver in the app. On the web interface I get "Unexpected token b in JSON at position 1", on the Android app "The app was not able to process the configuration of your miniserver". As far as I can tell the system is running as it was before the update, but without web/app i/fs it's hard to be certain. The log file ends with the update successful message, no mention of any subsequent pushes from me.

    In device status->Loxone miniserver->right click I can get the log file, but Get LoxApp3.json returns me nothing. I can ftp into the miniserver and as far as I can tell the \prog directory looks OK, but I'm not an expert on what it should look like or which files the miniserver considers to be the latest configuration. http://<miniserver IP>/data/LoxAPP3.json gets me something a couple of lines long, but it doesn't feel like the real thing. When I Load from Miniserver, I get "Serial number mismatch..." in red, and it returns a very basic config with no house specific detail. The config I pushed validates fine in Loxone config, bar a few "unused rooms" etc.

    Raised a support ticket but it's slow going - they suggested might be write-protected SD card but I've seen updates from an engineer go through fine some years back and haven't done anything to it since. I have adequate backups should I ever get the system working properly.

    Any help/suggestions appreciated.

  • simon_hh
    Lox Guru
    • 18.09.2015
    • 2659

    try a new SD card.
    When you have a defective SD card several problems can occur, as web interface / app not working or updates in your config are not transfered correctly
    Zuletzt geändert von simon_hh; 18.09.2019, 12:25.
    Haus: Bj 1959, gekauft 2011, totale Entkernung, Dachausbau, Erweiterung & Vergrößerung: Start: 2014, Ende: 2050
    Loxone: 1 x Ms Gen.02, 1 x MS Gen.01, 5 x Ext., 4 x Relay Ext., 1 x Dimmer Ext., 2 x 1-wire Ext., 1 x DMX Ext. 1 x TREE Ext. mehr kommt noch
    Licht: DMX LED Beleuchtung (24V), MW HLG Serie und eldoled Dimmer
    Heizung: Brötje WBS 22F, OG Heizkörper und FuBoHeizung über RTL, EG FuBoHeizung


    • Christian Fenzl
      Lebende Foren Legende
      • 31.08.2015
      • 11234

      After an update, the Miniserver takes a longer time as normal to boot up. It seems that it is converting the SD-config to it's new format, and possibly also sd card maintenance.
      When you - after the update - connect to the Miniserver, the first action you need to do is: "Load from Miniserver", so you get the migrated Config XML from the Miniserver.
      If you haven't done that, there is a possibility that you kill something on the Miniserver, if you upload the PC-converted configuration (without downloading it first).

      Updating the Miniserver - but Loxone would never admit - is a dangerous procedure at every update.
      Hilfe für die Menschen der Ukraine: https://www.loxforum.com/forum/proje...Cr-die-ukraine


      • Gast

        Thanks Simon and Christian.

        Turns out support weren't getting my e-mails for some reason. I've since spoken to them and they were really helpful. We've established that the SD card is physically OK, but corrupted - presumably because I didn't load from miniserver beforre pushing my config, as Christian points out.

        I've ordered a preiinstalled SD card from Loxone and will use that. So my next question is: when I swap in this new card, do I need to Load From Miniserver, or can I just push my config from Loxone config onto this SD card ? (since presumably Load from Miniserver will get just me a blank config)

        Thanks again.


        • Gast

          So my next question is: how the hell do you get at the SD card slot? My miniserver is on a DIN rail in a small cabinet with wires either side of it and not much room to manoeuvre.

          I've seen some references to this on the German forums but my German is not great.

          Zitat von Christian Fenzl

          Updating the Miniserver - but Loxone would never admit - is a dangerous procedure at every update.
          You're not joking


          • Christian Fenzl
            Lebende Foren Legende
            • 31.08.2015
            • 11234

            You can pull off the Miniserver housing with a „blow“. Turn off MS power before, and keep caring for hot wires! (or turn them off too). The mainboard may tumble out on opening the case (it’s not screwed).
            So you may have better access to the card.

            There are MicroSD->MicroSD-Slot cables at AliExpress/eBay/Amazon for some Euros, to bring the card slot to the front.
            Zuletzt geändert von Christian Fenzl; 19.09.2019, 23:43.
            Hilfe für die Menschen der Ukraine: https://www.loxforum.com/forum/proje...Cr-die-ukraine


            • Gast

              Thanks Christian that is very helpful. I will give it a try and report back.


              • Gast

                Thansk everyone, I am now up and running on Powered down, swapped out the old SD card for a new one formatted and loaded with my most recent back up, powered up, all fine.

                For future reference, it's quite easy to remove the miniserver casing. Power down, obviously. A gentle push down on the top of the casing, while rotating the bottom towards you - no real force needed. As Christian said, the mainboard is not fixed in. Getting the casing back on is even easier, you don't even have to push very hard. I would NEVER have got at the SD card from the side with the casing on.

                Thanks and Vielen Dank again

