Only one switch ON

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    Only one switch ON

    Hi Loxone Wizards,

    I have a question, I have 20 switches, each time only one switch can be ON. When another switch is pushed, all other have to be switched OFF.
    I thought it would be simple to program but I just can’t figure it out. Can someone please put me in the right direction on how to compile this?

    The purpose here is to send 1 dmx channel at 100% at the time.

    thanks in advance, grtz Erc
  • Thomas Kührer
    LoxBus Spammer
    • 25.08.2015
    • 393


    look for "RadioPushButton",

    For more then 16 Switches you can use 2 of them and reset one if the AQ from the other is not 0.
    (Sorry for my english)
    Zuletzt geändert von Thomas Kührer; 05.11.2019, 12:59.

