validation after update

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    Smart Home'r
    • 02.01.2019
    • 38


    validation after update


    Since the update of the Miniserver I have had a problem with valadation. If something falls outside the valadation value, I receive a notification in the app and via email. Can this be disabled?


    Bas Berends
  • hismastersvoice
    • 25.08.2015
    • 7265

    Got the same with the PublicBeta.
    The solution it quiet simple
    My valiadation was not 100% correct, so I had to set my lower value to the right point.

    This is a System-Message, so you have to disable all of them in the app. But I think that is not an good idea.
    Take a look to your values and set them to the right values, becouse there must be somthing wrong.
    Kein Support per PN!


      Smart Home'r
      • 02.01.2019
      • 38


      I communicate via Modbus with a receiver that receives values ​​from wireless transmitters. The moment the receivers have no contact with the transmitters, it sends out an abnormal value.

      Previously, I could filter this with validation and the value would be zero and red in the app.
      When I adjust the limit values, there is an ugly number in the app ;-)


      • hismastersvoice
        • 25.08.2015
        • 7265

        OK that`s real different to my config.
        So please open a ticket about this at Loxone. Maybe they have a solution. Becouse it is since the update and before everything was OK
        Kein Support per PN!


        • BDP
          Smart Home'r
          • 02.08.2016
          • 50

          I'm having the same problem.
          I'm using Modbus TCP to read the value of a SMA solar inverter at a client's installation.
          Since the new config I'm getting errors when no data is sent. This happens after sundown. The Inverter stops sending values because there's no sun anymore.
          I made a ticket, but according to Loxone (not headquarter) it's normal and they cannot solve it. That was the only answer I got.
          Everybody knows this is not normal, but that's the support you get nowadays :-(
          There should be an option to disable the error messages for this kind of situation.


          • BDP
            Smart Home'r
            • 02.08.2016
            • 50

            Apparently it's a new feature.

            • Will prompt when caller-service was unable to make calls (no internet, no phone-number provided, ..)
            • Reports sensors that suddenly don’t report values anymore (1-wire, HTTP, Modbus ..)


            • Christian Fenzl
              Lebende Foren Legende
              • 31.08.2015
              • 11234

              As validation is an output on Loxone blocks that can be handled by logic (or not, if not required), sending an additional system message is not required, or should be configurable.
              You should create a ticket for this issue.
              Hilfe für die Menschen der Ukraine:


                Smart Home'r
                • 02.01.2019
                • 38

                It would indeed be good if you could turn off these notifications. I also created a ticket, but received a similar answer.

                They said that I should be happy with these reports, well unfortunately, I am not ....


                • BDP
                  Smart Home'r
                  • 02.08.2016
                  • 50

                  Support advised me to set validation to -1 for minimum.
                  But this doesn't solve the issue. Problem is the inverter stops sending values after sundown because it powers itself down due to no sunlight.
                  Problem is not the validation but the sensor not sending data anymore. And according tot me, they should make this error optional.
                  Zuletzt geändert von BDP; 08.12.2019, 09:45.


                  • Christian Fenzl
                    Lebende Foren Legende
                    • 31.08.2015
                    • 11234

                    I roughly remember that in some blocks there is a timeout “when nothing is sent in xxx seconds” or something, that triggers a validation error. Is something on your input?
                    For me, it is still a bug, as a validation output is triggered that can be handled by logic. No system message is required.
                    Hilfe für die Menschen der Ukraine:


                    • BDP
                      Smart Home'r
                      • 02.08.2016
                      • 50

                      This can work.
                      I'll try and report back


                      • BDP
                        Smart Home'r
                        • 02.08.2016
                        • 50

                        Hello Christian,

                        nothing worked. So I deselected the validation. This 'solved' the problem of getting a systemstate error every 10 s. (in this particular case)
                        But this is not the way I wanted it. I want to be able to set validation but not getting a systemstate error every time.
                        I was confused when I read the changelog which states

                        Reports sensors that suddenly don’t report values anymore

                        But I think systemstate reports now when validation detects an error and sets the standard value.

