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The Schedule function block outputs 0/1 or an analog value based on a Schedule. Among others, it also has an output AQmt. I hate Loxone's lacking documentation that provides no details nor how-to's nor examples: here, all they say is a quite cryptic:
Remaining time of the timer in seconds. When the time has elapsed, the normal switching operation is resumed.
Based on their https://www.loxone.com/enen/kb/timerscheduler/ help page, I interpret this means that when the timer is ON for another 5 minutes, this AQmt should show a decreasing 300 (in seconds), the timer being the period that is selected to be 'on' in the Schedule.
Unfortunately, not so, and I've never been able to have this to anything other than 0.
Did someone ever use this?
I think, this thing never worked (at least for a half decade).
The German version of the help is as messy as the English one. The German block is called "Schaltuhr", and the AQmt talks about (the English word) "Timer" that is nowhere else used in the article.
For me - possibly I am wrong - the AQmt output in the block (and help) feels to be a copy/paste mistake that never was updated or even implemented. A timer is used on the heating block (en:IRC / de:IRR) as well, it even has the required inputs to start "the timer" (with nearly the same text) , but the output of seconds is dead equally.
But I've never needed it - so after years you might be the first guy who took notice ;-)
I think I'll open a support case with Loxone, then: either they make it work - which would be very handy for what I want to do - or then they should remove it from the block altogether and update the documentation.
I'll post an update here if I know more.
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