Tageswert Ev-Konstante auf dem Energiemonitor

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  • Pippo74
    LoxBus Spammer
    • 13.01.2018
    • 210


    Tageswert Ev-Konstante auf dem Energiemonitor

    I'm reading the energy consumption from a heat pump (Ev / Pv) by means of an energy meter connected via Modbus RTU, and then using a Loxone Energy Monitor block, with the latest stable FW version.
    have also tried with the latest available beta release, (anyhow I didn't find any differences between the two versions)

    The problem is that I always see the same daily consumption, 8.2 kWh (!), and on some days I see it empty(!). And one day I had 16.4 kWh, as you can see on the attached screenshots.

    The block was programmed in Config as "block inputs" and memory size has been set to 10.000 (kWh)

    Do you have any idea about what's going on here?

    Thank you very much,
    Angehängte Dateien
    Zuletzt geändert von Pippo74; 28.03.2020, 18:16.
  • Pippo74
    LoxBus Spammer
    • 13.01.2018
    • 210

    Hast du eine idee Dank!

    Entschuldigung für etwaige Übersetzungsfehler, Google Übersetzer wurde verwendet.


    • Pippo74
      Pippo74 kommentierte
      Kommentar bearbeiten
      Hmmm, I've actually set 30minutes, I've added the Config Settings for this block. (normally I tend to set the statistics not too much frequent to do not overload memory/SD card.

      But it can be I kind of loose the rising/falling consumption edges ??! So the integration function of the Energy monitor block is not detecting all changes ?!?

    • alex68
      alex68 kommentierte
      Kommentar bearbeiten
      honestly I'm not sure which parameters are affected by this value exactly - but I found that the setting of "medium value for 5 minutes" is a good tradeof between accuracy and sd-card usage. Try for a day to change this value to see if it has a positive effect

    • Pippo74
      Pippo74 kommentierte
      Kommentar bearbeiten
      It's ok, Iet's give a try with 5min. for some days, Thanks!
  • Tico
    Lox Guru
    • 31.08.2016
    • 1035

    Pippo74 - I think the problem is you have used the wrong entry points for the Energy Monitor. Entry PV is the energy flow to or from the grid. It would normally be measured by a Smart Meter at the Grid connection point. I also don't think the Energy Monitor is suitable for your application.

    You would be better using the Utility Meter block. Take the Analogue Input 'Total Active Power' into entry P of the Utility Meter.

    The Analogue Input 'Energy Consumption' (kWh) is redundant. The Utility Meter will show both instantaneous Power use and Energy Consumed. The Energy Consumed value increments from when the Utility Meter is saved in the Config.

    Klicke auf die Grafik für eine vergrößerte Ansicht

Name: Utility Meter.png
Ansichten: 342
Größe: 17,9 KB
ID: 242256

    Ich spreche kein Deutsch. Gib Google Translate die Schuld, wenn ich unverständlich bin.


    • Pippo74
      LoxBus Spammer
      • 13.01.2018
      • 210

      Zitat von Tico
      Pippo74 - I think the problem is you have used the wrong entry points for the Energy Monitor. Entry PV is the energy flow to or from the grid. It would normally be measured by a Smart Meter at the Grid connection point. I also don't think the Energy Monitor is suitable for your application.

      You would be better using the Utility Meter block. Take the Analogue Input 'Total Active Power' into entry P of the Utility Meter.

      The Analogue Input 'Energy Consumption' (kWh) is redundant. The Utility Meter will show both instantaneous Power use and Energy Consumed. The Energy Consumed value increments from when the Utility Meter is saved in the Config.

      Klicke auf die Grafik für eine vergrößerte Ansicht  Name: Utility Meter.png Ansichten: 0 Größe: 17,9 KB ID: 242256

      - As last attempt with the Energy Monitor block I'm now testing the 5 min. average to see if I'm able to have more accurate bargraphs/daily values.

      - Regarting the Utility Meter block I believe u definitely right. At the beginning I was confused if to use the Energy Monitor (this is for PV) or simply the utility counter (since at the end I already have a DIN mounting Modbus Counter!), because I've been "attracted" by the upper Menu showing "ENERGY"... J

      I'm now wondering what is the best method show in the VISU the AQ1...8 outputs of the Energy Meter block, maybe showing these values with a couple of Status blocks. (4 values ea. Status block)

      Thanks for your feedback guys !
      Zuletzt geändert von Pippo74; 29.03.2020, 12:56.

