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I'm totally lost with IRC logic.
I'm out of "In Use" time on my schedule and my AC unit is not only still on, but runs full throttle on max fan rate 5 making tons of noise.
Current root temperature is only 0,1 deg C (!) different than target/comfort temperature.
Am I missing something here?
Could somebody experienced with IRC clarify me how does it exactly work and what does "Cooling phase" mean out of cooling schedule?
Noch ein oder zwei Jahre mit Loxone und ich werde Deutsch sprechen ☺
Could you enable all inputs/outputs/parameters in Live View to see all your settings.
What are your TaMin, TaMax and Tcs parameters?
I don’t use IRCv2, so I only can guess. From IRCv1 I know the pre-heating phase on heating. Possibly this is some kind of pre-cooling phase.
I even don’t know if the “intelligence” (to learn the time for pre-heating/pre-cooling) does still exist in IRCv2 - the docs doesn’t mention that anymore.
BTW To keep your air conditioning from using the highest speed, you may try a Scaler block (don’t be sure for the English term, in German “Skalierer”). Scale 1 to 1 and 10 to e.g. 8.
I might have been discovered the reason here. I had IRCv2 block not connected to AC Unit for serveral days and it might have been learned that cooling down is insanely slow.
Now it thinks that to prepare for morning temperature its has to start cooling down so early, that it starts in the evening day before. Seems possible right?
It should have gone away in time as it learns right cooling down speeds.
For scaling I made such an algorithm for now:
And used it in such way:
I'll see how it works in practice in next few days.
Noch ein oder zwei Jahre mit Loxone und ich werde Deutsch sprechen ☺
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