How to limit frequency of output pulse?

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  • jamesb
    Dumb Home'r
    • 12.09.2020
    • 12


    How to limit frequency of output pulse?

    I am using the IRCv1, and intend to use the Qc output (cooling required) to open and close a skylight. I'm concerned by the help text for this config block:

    Digital Output - Provides PWM signal proportional to cooling demand for use with digital (on / off) valves
    The cycling period is relatively short. For this reason it is not suitable for the direct switching of large loads (e.g. infrared heaters) by means of relay contacts.
    My skylight is fairly large, takes a minute to open or close, and the motor is a little noisy in operation. I'd prefer to limit the number of times it can open or close during the day. I think I need to somehow detect the pulse on Qc (maybe using the Edge Detection block?), but then ignore any subsequent activity on Qc for the next hour. And then after that hour, whatever value Qc has, decide if it's on or off and open or close the skylight appropriately.

    I'm not really sure if this is the desired solution. I've tried using the PWM block but concluded this is not what I need.

    Any tips? Is there a standard pattern in loxone that achieves this aim?

  • duncan
    LoxBus Spammer
    • 28.08.2015
    • 313

    you could use the Qs shading required (triggered in an overheat situation) to open your velux - this is on/off, not pwm


    • jamesb
      Dumb Home'r
      • 12.09.2020
      • 12

      OK, thanks for replying!

      I have been using the Qs shading output already actually, and it works reasonably well but sometimes isn't giving the desired results, so I assumed it wasn't quite the right solution. For example, my skylight stays shut sometimes even though the room temperature it quite a bit over the target temperature. And sometimes opens even though it is cooler than desired sometimes. Perhaps my logic is not quite right?

      Here's what I'm doing currently. Note that I'm using a Push Switch to do edge detection on the Qs output atm:

      Klicke auf die Grafik für eine vergrößerte Ansicht

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      • duncan
        LoxBus Spammer
        • 28.08.2015
        • 313

        if you connect your 'cooling required' memory to the analog cooling output AQc which is 0-10 it will come on once the AQc reaches 1 (and any number higher) so this will trigger your requirements earlier than the Qs and not be PWM

