Reset value from DoorBird Motion

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    Reset value from DoorBird Motion

    I have integrated my DoorBird into my Loxone project. I use the http-calls for doorbell and motion as virtual inputs.
    In addition I want my exterior light to brighten up when someone comes up to my house and gets detected by the DoorBird Motionsensor.

    The problem is, that the http-call gives 1 as value when motion is detected and this value never changes in Loxone. It just stays 1. How can I achieve that the value from this virtual input is set back to 0 when there is no motion detected in a periode of time? (in DoorBird, there is a 30 second margin set between two alarms).
  • Christian Fenzl
    Lebende Foren Legende
    • 31.08.2015
    • 11234

    Set the VI to Digital.
    Don’t send “1”, but send “Pulse”.
    As the pulse is very short (you might not see it in LiveView), connect something like a Monoflop that you can see and test the pulse.
    Hilfe für die Menschen der Ukraine:


    • Gast

      I use this SIP-call:


      I thought I could replace the subscribe=1 with subscribe=pulse but that is not a valid syntax.


      • Christian Fenzl
        Lebende Foren Legende
        • 31.08.2015
        • 11234

        Don’t know what this means...
        I was talking about the Loxone Web API.
        Hilfe für die Menschen der Ukraine:


        • Gast

          To forward the motion and doorbell events from DoorBird to Loxone, I had to activate SIP in DoorBird and register these two events by entering these url's in my browser:

          http:// <doorbird-username>:<doorbird-password>@<doorbird-ip-adress>/bha-api/notification.cgi?url=http://<loxone-miniserver-ip-address:<loxone-miniserverport>/dev/sps/io/viXX/pulse?motionsensor&user=<loxone-miniserver-username>&password=<loxoneminiserver-password>&event=motionsensor&subscribe=1

          http:// <doorbird-username>:<doorbird-password>@<doorbird-ip-address>/bha-api/notification.cgi?url=http://<loxone-miniserver-ip-address>:<loxone-miniserverport>/dev/sps/io/viXX/pulse?doorbell&user=<loxone-miniserver-username>&password=<loxoneminiserver-password>&event=doorbell&subscribe=1

          Where viXX is the connection-name of the virtual inputs in my Loxone config that I use to trigger the action.
          Zuletzt geändert von Gast; 10.11.2020, 13:57.


          • Christian Fenzl
            Lebende Foren Legende
            • 31.08.2015
            • 11234

            The Loxone API does not support query parameters.

            If you use a LoxBerry, you may try the generic url-to-mqtt interface (use Translate):

            Regards, Christian
            Hilfe für die Menschen der Ukraine:


            • LoxoneJorge
              Dumb Home'r
              • 13.05.2018
              • 23

              has anyone possibly found a simple solution to use the Doorbird (d1101v) motion detector for e.g. the outdoor lighting with SIP configuration?

              Thanks, Jörg
              Hallo, hat irgend jemand eventuell inzwischen eine einfache Lösung gefunden, bei SIP Konfiguration den Doorbird Bewegungsmelder für die Außenbeleuchtung zu verwenden?

              Danke, Jörg

