I'm a Loxone user for 5 years now and it was about time to make some changes to my configuration. I still have to integrate my heating system to the Loxone web client.
I don't want Loxone to manage the heating, I just want it to display the room temperatures and be able to set target temperatures.
I have a General Waterstage Air-Water heat pump system. The management system for this is Domuz multi-zone system.
Webpage in Dutch, just to have some visuals about what the control system is: https://www.novaya.be/nl_be/producte...eregeling/105/
I configured 2 Virtual HTTP inputs: Current Temp and Target Temp.
Which are read out of an http call to an xml file. I can visualize those perfectly.
The next step I am struggling with.
I configured a regular Virtual Input, a slider, to select the desired temperature. As soon as this changes, it needs to send this change to a Virtual Output I created.
(see attached slider image)
1. can I just link the VI to the VQ? Or should something be in between the 2 components?
2. what is the easiest way to debug/test the VQ?
I've configured a Save HTTP reply option, but that page doesn't seem to do anything. I'm assuming that the Virtual Output isn't called right now.
3. The VQ should send an XML POST command to a certain address:
In the XML that is sent, the temp value should be passed in. I'm trying this by passing <v> in the XML. This should work right?
<?xml version=”1.0” encoding=”UTF-8”?>\r\n<Devices>\r\n <Device>\r\n <ID>EZR012D08</ID>\r\n <HEATAREA nr="1">\r\n <T_TARGET><v></T_TARGET>\r\n </HEATAREA>\r\n </Device>\r\n</Devices>