Loxone + Sonos

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    Loxone + Sonos


    I tried to connect my miniserver to my Sonos device but it doesn't seem to work. I did exactly what the tutorial said:
    1(pic 1): Setup

    Add predefined Virtual-Device (sonos)
    now you can see a sonos node under the virtual output node.

    2.(pic 2) Config

    set the IP-Address of your sonos device. (e.g. browsing the Network with your Windows PC you should be able to find the Speaker)

    3. (pic 3) program

    all you need to do is to connect the needed input with the function you like to have.
    Under the Sonos device node you can find all type of preconfegured functions (play,pause, mute ....)
    I created a virtual input for my visualisation and also tried a push button, but my Sonos doesn't react. No play/pause or volume/up down. I have everything updated to the newest firmware/software.
    Does somebody have any idea what could be wrong?

    thanks in advance