I got the following message:
debug 2021-03-22 21:31:55: Received Zigbee message from '0xbc33acfffe619db3', type 'commandArm', cluster 'ssIasAce', data '{"armmode":3,"code":"","zoneid":23}' from endpoint 1 with groupID 0
warn 2021-03-22 21:31:55: Received message from unsupported device with Zigbee model 'TS0215A' and manufacturer name '_TZ3000_fsiepnrh'
warn 2021-03-22 21:31:55: Please see: https://www.zigbee2mqtt.io/how_tos/h...w_devices.html.
This is listed in tab "devices":
friendly_name: '0xbc33acfffe619db3'
What can I do to solve it? Thank you in advance!