RS485 Sensor commands

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  • Tico
    Lox Guru
    • 31.08.2016
    • 1035

    I assume you have about 87 delayed pulses that trigger each of the Modbus actuators at 0.5 second intervals (from a master pulse generator). I would hang an additional delayed pulse of 1 second at the end of that sequence. The delayed pulse would attach to AI3 of the Status block with the Cloud Mailer.
    I would then add a ‘Pulse At’ block with the time you wish to receive the emails. This would be attached to AI4 of the Status block with the Cloud Mailer.

    The argument in the Status block would be -
    If AI3 = 1 and AI4 = 1 then Text output <v1>Apartment 87 - <v2.2> kWh

    The delayed pulse of 1 second on AI3 might need manipulation to ensure that all Modbus sensors have had time to send their data (possibly 2-3 seconds).

    The ‘Pulse At’ block on AI4 should have a pulse length that is just short of 2 cycles of polling (ie. 87 actuators at 0.5 seconds = 44 seconds for one polling cycle). If the ‘Pulse At’ block is active for 85 seconds, it should only ever see one impulse from AI3 during that duration (ie. when both AI3 = 1 and AI4 = 1). This means one email sent. Hopefully with all apartments...
    Ich spreche kein Deutsch. Gib Google Translate die Schuld, wenn ich unverständlich bin.


    • Martins Kadakovskis
      Dumb Home'r
      • 26.11.2019
      • 21

      Thank you!
      Got the idea!
      But not sure why I cannot trigger the e-mail.
      I have separate demo case from there I connect Digital input to Loxone Cloud Mailer and it sends the text I have inserted.
      But from My counter project it does not. Both are registered Miniservers and both have Internet access.


      • Tico
        Lox Guru
        • 31.08.2016
        • 1035

        So from your Counter project, can you set up a simple Status block with input -

        If AI1 = 1, then text output 'Test'?
        Ich spreche kein Deutsch. Gib Google Translate die Schuld, wenn ich unverständlich bin.


        • Martins Kadakovskis
          Dumb Home'r
          • 26.11.2019
          • 21

          Thank you, you have been big help!

          Not sure why but now it sends e-mails. Just they are crippled.
          On mobile phone looks good

          Klicke auf die Grafik für eine vergrößerte Ansicht

Name: email.png
Ansichten: 298
Größe: 128,2 KB
ID: 334887


          • Tico
            Lox Guru
            • 31.08.2016
            • 1035

            I tested on both mobile phone Gmail app and desktop browser based Gmail. Both appear fine and without printing the \r\n.

            I also deleted the \r\n from all the Status blocks except the first one. This also formats fine. The contents of the first Status block for the following screenshot is as follows -

            \r\n\r\nFlat 1 - <v1.2> kWh\r\n

            Klicke auf die Grafik für eine vergrößerte Ansicht  Name: Screenshot.png Ansichten: 0 Größe: 79,1 KB ID: 334929
            I suggest you check the Miniserver firmware versions between the two installations you have.

            I suspect there's a difference in how Loxone is handling Status Text with different firmwares. I'm on Loxone Config

            edit...But as you say that the mobile phone looks good, perhaps the desktop email client is the issue???
            Zuletzt geändert von Tico; 25.01.2022, 02:27.
            Ich spreche kein Deutsch. Gib Google Translate die Schuld, wenn ich unverständlich bin.


            • Martins Kadakovskis
              Dumb Home'r
              • 26.11.2019
              • 21

              The problem is ...
              In e-mail I get all data as subject of an email.


              • Tico
                Lox Guru
                • 31.08.2016
                • 1035

                I suggest you delete all traces of the Loxone Cloud Mailer completely, then 'Save to Miniserver', then create again as per the attachment.

                The only differences I can see in my installation is I have edited the name 'Loxone Cloud Mailer' to 'Loxone Messaging'. Failing that, try the other Mailer option (where you need to set up SMTP Server, User, Password etc.')

                For Gmail -

                SMTP Server -
                SMTP User - your email address
                SMTP Password - You will need to set up an 'App specific' password due to Google security -

                Important: App passwords aren’t recommended and are unnecessary in most cases. To help keep your account secure, use "Sign in with Google" to connect apps to your Google Account. An app password is a
                Ich spreche kein Deutsch. Gib Google Translate die Schuld, wenn ich unverständlich bin.


                • dwergje
                  • 26.11.2023
                  • 3


                  Hello all,

                  I recently spent a lot of time on trying to get my Modbus RTU-compatible heat pump connected to the Loxone RS485. According to Loxone, I have bought the wrong module (should have had Modbus) but they refuse to take it back as it's been more than 2 weeks since buying it.

                  As the underlying signal is still RS485, I can't imagine why it's impossible to get it to work and I read your replies on the threadwith much interest. You literally managed to do what Loxone says cannot be done (

                  The problem is that my heat pump does not have PC software with which I can 'see' the hex commands; is there still a way for me to achieve this, or am I missing critical information?
                  What I do know from the device manual:
                  • Communication address of the device is 16
                  • Baud rate 9600
                  • Number of digits is 8
                  • No verification required
                  • Stop bit: 1 bit
                  • Modbus RTU is the communication protocol (ASCII not supported)
                  Then, to access the addresses, I know:
                  • Register address (e.g. 40001, should correspond to '0' in ModBus I believe)
                  • Register type (03H, 06H, 10H)
                  • Values of each bit. I attached one of the pages of the manual for illustration.
                  So far, all my attempts at making a hex command recognition results in zeros and I can't see anything over the monitor.

                  Any help is much appreciated!


                  • Tico
                    Lox Guru
                    • 31.08.2016
                    • 1035

                    With Modbus, you will normally send a particular command from the Miniserver, then the device will reply with sensor data. Alternatively, you can send a command to action functions. With the available information on the Airwell webpage, you could spend weeks of your life trying to reverse engineer the protocol.

                    I suggest you cut your losses and sell the RS485 Extension on the marketplace here. You'll likely get a good proportion of what you paid for it and then buy a Modbus Extension.
                    Ich spreche kein Deutsch. Gib Google Translate die Schuld, wenn ich unverständlich bin.


                    • dwergje
                      • 26.11.2023
                      • 3

                      Hi Tico,

                      much appreciate your prompt reply. I understand too little about these protocols unfortunately but I'll gladly follow your advice. At least I can stop trying random inputs now..


