In Our project we are using Loxone Miniserver –> RS485 Extension –> Orno OR-WE 514 Electricity counter (third party)
I connected to the counter directly from the computer to give it the address.
The question is how to define the command in Loxone config to get out the information. Like KWh.
I copied the command from Orno Manufacturer software and pasted it In RS485 sensor command.
I have connected counters to the RS485 extension and the other end was connected to the PC via RS485 to usb adapter.
When I send command on manufacturer software Loxone Software in RS485 monitor I can see those commands.
So I Learned in the commands But it does not show the data I need.
The sensor showing 0.0
How do I set the sensor input to send this command to the Electricity counter ?
And where in the RS485 sensor option do I insert how often it should send the commands.
Have I correctly inserted the command, am I allowed to use slash and space when typing the commands ?
Added 4 pictures.
Loxone config sensor command copied from PC software.
Loxone config sensor command learned in from RS485 monitor
OR-WE manual
ORNO PC software
OR-WE registers
A lot of questions.. first time doing this.
Thank you!