configuring 2 alarms : how ?

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    configuring 2 alarms : how ?


    I am trying to configure 2 alarms. At least, that's what I think I have to do to solve the case I have at home...

    My issue is that I have a cat, and it's sometimes at home, sometimes not. So when leaving the house, I activate the alarm. But whenever the cat is at home, I want some motion sensors to be disabled (via a switch available in my User Interface), so that these can't trigger an alert due to the cat moving around in the concerned part of the house.

    So my solution (maybe not the best one, any -better- alternatives may be proposed) is to configure 2 alarm function blocks. They both have the same outputs (mainly silent alarm and light alarm outputs) configured. As inputs, the one ("main") alarm has the set of motion sensors which are to be always enabled, and the other one (the "cat" alarm) only has the set of motion sensors which should be enabled or disabled whenever the cat is respectively out or in.

    Now my problem is that when the main alarm is active, and I activate the "cat" alarm (input V of the "cat" alarm function block), its Q1 output is activated. I have tried everything I can imagine, but I can't succeed in activating the cat alarm without it causing an alert trigger. Both alarms are activated by the same pulse.

    What could I be doing wrong ?
  • duncan
    LoxBus Spammer
    • 28.08.2015
    • 313

    the alarm block has the input I1 for motion sensors, other sensors connect to the other inputs, then you can set the alarm with motion sensors disabled using the VNm input


    • Gast

      Zitat von duncan
      the alarm block has the input I1 for motion sensors, other sensors connect to the other inputs, then you can set the alarm with motion sensors disabled using the VNm input
      Yes, I am aware of this. On the other hand, if I activate the "main" alarm with VNm instead of V, ALL sensors are disabled, which is something I want to avoid : the biggest part of the sensors ( = of the rooms where the cat doesn't walk around) must be active most of the times (like e.g. when leaving the house).

      If I use I1 for the remaining sensors ( = the sensors of the rooms where the cat is moving around), and one of those sensors triggers the alarm when using the I1 input, I wonder if there is a way to have the name of that sensor mentioned as the reason of the alert in the alert's message ? Because I'll have to connect all disablable sensors through some ON/OFF switch to I1. Which will result that ON/OFF switch itself to being named as the triggering cause of the alert in the alert's message. But I want to be able to have available that specific sensor's name in the message ( = in those cases where the cat isn't at home and that sensor is active). Using I1, this wouldn't be possible.

      Anyway, it's puzzling me that the "cat" alarm triggers upon activating "just" the V input, whenever the "main" alarm is activated at the same time. This isn't standard behaviour (and maybe even a bug ?). If this could be avoided, my problem would be solved... Other thoughts by anyone ?

