Loxone Voice control with Alexa

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  • KevcUK
    • 05.11.2022
    • 1


    Loxone Voice control with Alexa

    Hi All,

    First post her so please be gentle!!

    I've had a Loxone system (Miniserver Gen1) for about 6 years now and as we have extended our home, gradually increased the configuration without any major issues (other than a couple of the relays failing!)

    During this time I added Alexa voice control via 1home.io (actually bought using Voxior before it was taken over/rebranded by 1home) using the cloud license. However 1home has now discontinued the cloud product and now my license has just expired, so I'm looking for the cheapest route to re-enable Alexa voice control. (It's just surprising how convenient and integrated using voice control for the lighting and heating had become!!)

    1home have their bridge available, but at 571Euros + VAT it seems expensive!

    Are there any other cloud services available to integrate Alexa voice control into Loxone?

    Or What are the other options available now?

    I've seen many articles on OpenHAB / Raspberry Pi /HOOBS as possible routes but not had access to a Raspberry Pi 3 or 4 because of the shortages / costs, to try this yet (I'd prefer to buy new hardware if I'm going down this route!) and can't filter out the searches to find a clear answer as to what the config is to get a DIY voice control solution is!

    Can anyone point me to a definitive guide to installing and configuring a hardware box for voice control or a suitable cloud service?

    Many thanks

  • carlhvmoll
    Dumb Home'r
    • 27.03.2018
    • 13

    So ive used many "workarounds" i ended up settling on NodeRed running on a Pi, it has a Loxone Module + Alexa Module and after a while its easy to learn, if you are using something else do share your experience


    • IFLUR
      LoxBus Spammer
      • 07.01.2016
      • 392

      ioBroker or. Home Assistant with Loxone WS plug-in


      • carlhvmoll
        Dumb Home'r
        • 27.03.2018
        • 13

        Its been a few years since ive tinkered with tools, so im testing stuff out again to see whats new.

        Ive played with Hoobs over the last 24hrs there is is a homebridge-loxone-connect to simplify and it works, does a pretty good job but has limitation on around the number of devices you can have 150, on mine it seems to pull in all the devices i don't want vs the ones i do, feel like more tinkering.

        I will play around with IoBroker next. all im after is to see what will simplify Alexa to Loxone control, my set-up today is Alexa via Node Red to Loxone (which seems to do it all), but what i don't get is that Loxone themselves have still not offered Alexa out of the box to its customers, i know they do Siri but they seem slow to offer this as a basic feature.


        • IFLUR
          LoxBus Spammer
          • 07.01.2016
          • 392

          Loxone published a Alexa Integration for 4-5 month I think It was in a Beta release 12.x. and it works really good. But after the next Update Loxone has killed this feature without any comments!

          Try Home assistant it is the best open software actually for any Brand in the Smart Home market.


          • carlhvmoll
            Dumb Home'r
            • 27.03.2018
            • 13

            24hrs of play with Home Assistant + HACS + Pyloxone and i was blown away at how smooth the integration is as well as the simple / intuitive routines, Next step to add NodeRed + Alexa to home assistant and copy my flows and routines but this looks like the direction im heading now.....

            Curious to what and if there are any free Weather Services to use ? (I wont use for Loxone $ervice)


            • abel1303
              • 09.01.2023
              • 4

              vampire survivors​ Loxone wise residences are great yet you could locate yourself embeded a wired world as it is really tough to incorporate various other products


              • carlhvmoll
                Dumb Home'r
                • 27.03.2018
                • 13

                Quick update: Loxone to HA using Pyloxone and HACS - using Alexa media player + now using to Amazon Alexa Smart Home Skill (custom app) which now reads all devices exposed by Pyloxone in HA to Alexa for control. Much easier to build routines now in HA and Alexa etc. - which is great, confused as to why Loxone has still no simply offered this as a default value.

                A Question I have is anyone using a free Weather service vs the Loxone service, and if there are any recommendations that i should look into ?

