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I cant really tell as I dont use Loxberry. My container backs up all the data from the miniserver, puts them in a folder (incremental - so only files with changes are downloaded), then it creates an archive. So in the backup folder you have a folder with the data from the miniserver, a folder with the archives and a log with the latest backup.
AFAIK the restoration is made in the Loxone config, dont know how the Loxberry backup works, I never had to actually restore anything yet.
jereminius It's a very good idea, but I'm not sure if a "closed-source" Docker container where you provide your credentials of your Loxone Miniserver will be accepted by security-aware people?
I was searching for a similar solution myself but would rather make this open-source on GitHub and build the container as multi-arch so it can be used on a e.g. RaspberryPi too.
I think when I have time I will create an open-source Docker container based on Alpine Linux and multi-arch myself
jokay give me a sec, ill publish it on github also. There is nothing sketchy going on, its based on Alpine Linux, you can check that btw on the Docker Hub also, you see the Dockerfile, just not the running scripts. I dont have a free Raspberry now, but i want to make an arm based version also.
Yeah i took a look at it. Looks good, only i prefer the cron approach. It can be hard for someone to understand, but you have more flexibility then interval based backup.
great job with the docker backup tool. Just a question on this: Where do the tool writes the backup data? It should be in a data directory, but where is this directory? should I create a folder named data inside the docker folder on my NAS, maybe in the container folder, or at an other path?
When running your container on a Synology (DSM 7) I don't really see a backup. the log output does show that there's 630 files to backup. but none of these files makes it across.
Honestly i dont remember. I set it up once with duplicati and since i havent touched it. I can look into it tomorrow, but irc it should be in the folder called after your IP/archives?
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