Our home is fully installed with Loxone since about 1.5 years.
I'm not 100% sure this problem was there from the beginning or after my own modifications or a major Loxone update.
I recently let our Loxone partner have a look at the problem but he could find it (at first try).
Anyway, the current problem is:
Home plan: We have a 'Dressing' with at the left side the Bedroom and on the right side the Bathroom. It's walk-through.
On each side of the dressing, resp. in the Bed- and Bathroom we have a (normal) Loxone Touch panel.
The Dressing is normally Off or in Nightlight (early morning) when we touch the button to enable the light.
When we touch the button one time from the Bathroom the light is in 'Alles Aan' (Max brightness), -> Not desired
When we do exactly the same from the Bedroom it goes on the 'Ontspannen' (Relaxed) mode. -> Desired
When carry out the above the Nightmode of the entire home is still on. This is desired because of kids.
Of course, we'd like the same behavior from the both 'sides' of the Dressing.
The settings (in Config) for the both buttons are exactly the same so I don't understand how this can come. Probably overlooking something stupid :-)
Thanks in advance for your tips