Different behavior from 2 Loxone Touch buttons in the same room, yet explainable

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  • lauwrie
    • 30.12.2020
    • 5


    Different behavior from 2 Loxone Touch buttons in the same room, yet explainable


    Our home is fully installed with Loxone since about 1.5 years.
    I'm not 100% sure this problem was there from the beginning or after my own modifications or a major Loxone update.
    I recently let our Loxone partner have a look at the problem but he could find it (at first try).

    Anyway, the current problem is:
    Home plan: We have a 'Dressing' with at the left side the Bedroom and on the right side the Bathroom. It's walk-through.
    On each side of the dressing, resp. in the Bed- and Bathroom we have a (normal) Loxone Touch panel.

    The Dressing is normally Off or in Nightlight (early morning) when we touch the button to enable the light.

    When we touch the button one time from the Bathroom the light is in 'Alles Aan' (Max brightness), -> Not desired
    When we do exactly the same from the Bedroom it goes on the 'Ontspannen' (Relaxed) mode. -> Desired

    When carry out the above the Nightmode of the entire home is still on. This is desired because of kids.

    Of course, we'd like the same behavior from the both 'sides' of the Dressing.
    The settings (in Config) for the both buttons are exactly the same so I don't understand how this can come. Probably overlooking something stupid :-)

    Thanks in advance for your tips

  • simon_hh
    Lox Guru
    • 18.09.2015
    • 2659

    Please share a screenshot of config, showing both switches.
    I dont think there is an issue with the Touch Switches, if those are the same type and regular Tree switches. Or do you use Air technolgy for those?

    So please share config and the lightcontroller settings
    Haus: Bj 1959, gekauft 2011, totale Entkernung, Dachausbau, Erweiterung & Vergrößerung: Start: 2014, Ende: 2050
    Loxone: 1 x Ms Gen.02, 1 x MS Gen.01, 5 x Ext., 4 x Relay Ext., 1 x Dimmer Ext., 2 x 1-wire Ext., 1 x DMX Ext. 1 x TREE Ext. mehr kommt noch
    Licht: DMX LED Beleuchtung (24V), MW HLG Serie und eldoled Dimmer
    Heizung: Brötje WBS 22F, OG Heizkörper und FuBoHeizung über RTL, EG FuBoHeizung


    • lauwrie
      • 30.12.2020
      • 5

      Zitat von simon_hh
      Please share a screenshot of config, showing both switches.
      I dont think there is an issue with the Touch Switches, if those are the same type and regular Tree switches. Or do you use Air technolgy for those?

      So please share config and the lightcontroller settings
      Hello Simon,
      Many thanks for the reply. Please view in attach some screens from the Config.
      Hope this helps! And curious to find out what's the problem


      • simon_hh
        Lox Guru
        • 18.09.2015
        • 2659

        your both touch switches dressing are connected to different input of the light controller:
        one is connected with T5/2 and the other one with T5/1.
        those inputs switches directly the "stemming" mode with same ID (number).

        T5/1 switches on the light mode (Stemming) 1 and the T5/2 switches light mode 2.

        Then additionally you see the "+" symbols under "stemmingen". Plus means, if you click on the touch and click again, the light mode will go to the next one with a plus, but only those with a plus!
        The light modes without the + can only be switched in the app, but not from the physical switches.

        So you have connected to 1 "Alles aan" and to 2 "Nacht"...
        2 "Nacht" has NO +, so it will not be used by clicking, it will be used the next on of the mode which is 3 "Ontspannen"

        That explains why:
        One switch starts light with Ontspannen (it is simply the next mode after 1 has +, 2 has no +, it is number 3 (with a +)
        The other switch is connected directly to mode 1 "Alles aan".

        If you want to have the same mode for both switches you need to connect to the same inputs...

        Please save a copy of your existing config, before changing.

        And please click on the "i" symbol of the light controller where the documentation opens: A lot to read, and read carefully... light controller has a massive amount of settings
        Zuletzt geändert von simon_hh; 29.11.2022, 15:57.
        Haus: Bj 1959, gekauft 2011, totale Entkernung, Dachausbau, Erweiterung & Vergrößerung: Start: 2014, Ende: 2050
        Loxone: 1 x Ms Gen.02, 1 x MS Gen.01, 5 x Ext., 4 x Relay Ext., 1 x Dimmer Ext., 2 x 1-wire Ext., 1 x DMX Ext. 1 x TREE Ext. mehr kommt noch
        Licht: DMX LED Beleuchtung (24V), MW HLG Serie und eldoled Dimmer
        Heizung: Brötje WBS 22F, OG Heizkörper und FuBoHeizung über RTL, EG FuBoHeizung


        • lauwrie
          • 30.12.2020
          • 5

          Wow, many thanks for your insights!
          It seems so easy but it's not, the light control settings :-) (certainly if you're not often using it) Although you have a great point reading the documentation. 3-4 years ago - when I needed it - the documentation was not yet on point, but I have the impression now it is.

          Now the behavior seems consistent. For both buttons it first goes to "Ontspannen" and then to "Alles aan"
          I added 2 screens of the changed settings.

          I will try some more in the evening when the night mode is spontaneously on/activated, but thanks again!

