multiple users for hiding developent

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  • J V
    LoxBus Spammer
    • 28.08.2015
    • 367


    multiple users for hiding developent


    As I assume is the case with most people here, my config is under permanent development . At the same time, some parts are really ready to be used. But you can only test some things when they are on the miniserver. How do you guys deal with that? Do you have a finalized config that you upload when you stop developing and just upload a development config when needed?

    I had the idea of adding a usergroup: "developer". As long as something is not yet finalized, it would be only visible for this group. That way, from the loxone app, I could select how I want to see the interface: as normal user or as developer. I also was thinking of adding a group "debug", which would have more outputs that show some values of internal structures (if something does not work as expected, I could connect as a debug user so I can see the data without having to try and replicate the problem - but maybe this is far-fetched). Is this a good idea? Or are there other suggestions?


  • Gast

    I was wondering about this, I wrote to Loxone asking them if it was possible to make tabs active or inactive (they said no) but this might be an alternative method.


    • J V
      LoxBus Spammer
      • 28.08.2015
      • 367

      I have started to consider a few groups, but have not started using them. Now, I'm actually thinking of e.g. making a number of groups (light_users, temperature_users, mediacontrol_users, possibly with different levels of details, from basic operation to displaying of internal values for debug purposes). User "admin" of course would see everything, but normal users could be limited to some this (not that important to me). A user developer could be member of those groups that you are working on at that time and could use the level that shows most detail.

      One downside I noticed: when you create two entries in the loxone app, for different users, there is no way to distinguish which of the entries is which. Both just say "miniserver...". It would be nice if you could name this. (or maybe I have not found how to do that)


      • duncan
        LoxBus Spammer
        • 28.08.2015
        • 313

        using users and groups works well for hiding stuff
        i have an upstairs, downstairs and outside groups as well to control by area - so the ipad downstairs is logged in as downstairs and has a limited range of user controls for downstairs only eg heating boost, lighting and audio


        • J V
          LoxBus Spammer
          • 28.08.2015
          • 367


          In the app, is there a way of renaming a miniserver in the list? I would like to have e.g. 2 entries to the same miniserver but with different user accounts....

