Happy Loxone user here, only one thing I can't seem to find.
I have a heating system on Air (centralised hot air battery that circulates hot/cool air through the building) driven by an Air/Air heatpump.
I configured all rooms on seperate IRC1 with time tables. Eg between 22 - 6 o'clock economy temp of 17degrees. From 6-12 and 16-22 comfort temperature of 20 degrees.
It's a well isolated building thus that works.
On AI there is my temperature from the Loxone touch tree in every room.
I notice that once it reaches my comfort temperature the system stops heating. Very normal behaviour.
But once the temp drops 0.1 degree it starts up my heat pump and air circulation system again to have it stop after 2 minutes.
Hence my heatpump gets activated multiple times a day without the need to do so.
I've configured Ts to be 2°C, and would expect that IRC1 wasn't going to activate output Q until 18°C was reached, but that istn't the case.
Can I solve this? I already created some logic to do this manually, but then I lose my scheduling advantages for IRC1 (and the visual aspect in the app).
Thanks for any advise.