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I have problems updating my Loxone. It is only possible to update the sd card through the computer. But after a few days, I get the following message when I log in config.
Can mention that my Loxone has black skin, so it is quite old.
Anyone who has experienced this?
I had some problems after a power failure, and after managing to update the SD card through the computer, I got the same message as in your first image.
Could it be related to the SD card? Which size of card do you have? I am using a 2 GB card (the one that came with my miniserver), but I noticed that now they are supplying 4 GB cards. The 2 GB card, after formatting it in the pc was almost 100% full. I suspect that they just reserve the space on the card, but if the card is too small or something else is wrong with it....?
(just guessing here)
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