I have a question regarding the use of websockets to communicate with the Loxone Miniserver.
Are there any best-practices or things to avoid you plan a config where you will control/monitor with websockets?
In my case, I want to control some devices (e.g. an amplifier) via NodeRED and as I understand it the best two-communication is using websockets (via node-red-contrib-loxone ). However, it does seem to me that you are a bit constructing things blindly: you just make control elements which you will access via the websockets - there is no single device in the Tree, no entry in virtual inputs or outputs, no templates... So does that mean you have to just organize with pages, category and room? So you make e.g. a knx button, named it logically and just leave it disconnected as all changes will go via the websocket? (just trying to wrap my head around it)
Just to give some context: I currently have a PC which runs Eventghost, and communciate with it through virtual inputs and virtual outputs, with defined templates for various devices. I'm now considering to move to something else as my Eventghost configuration was hard to maintain and I had a lot of duplication between my Loxone config and my Eventghost config. Since some database-crash, the Eventghost website went offline, together with the vast knowledge in the forum. The project was moved to github, but there is much now a much smaller active community, so I figured it is time for a change.
NodeRED seems to be the way to go, I've found flows that can control my TV, and I should be able to manage almost everything. But I need to redo big parts of my config, hence the question on some pointers to get started.