Heating based on solar output

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  • jereminius
    Dumb Home'r
    • 03.09.2021
    • 17


    Heating based on solar output

    I have electric underfloor heating and ACs for heating. I want to set up heating based on solar production with the energy manager block. I want to achieve this:

    - if solar production > 5kW -> turn on underfloor heating and set target temperature to 23C
    - if solar production < 5kW -> turn off underfloor heating and set target temperature to 21C
    - if room temperature < 21C -> turn on AC for heating (22C).

    How should i go about it? I use IRC blocks for controlling the underfloor heating, can I add another mode to Eco and Comfort for example Power? Or should I only use ECO for the scenario mentioned above, and Comfort for forced heating (not depending on solar production)?

    Thank you