I have an annoying problem. Using the Loxone iOS app, every time I open the app it connects via remote connection, which is really slow, usually takes 5-10 seconds until it loads the states and I can control my stuff, it's annoying. The good thing is, if I'm on my wifi at home, I can add the miniserver in the app and it connects locally, and it's basically instant every time I open the app.
I understand that there's a network delay and such when I'm going through Loxone's cloud, it's okay. My issue is that once I leave the house and I disconnect from my wifi, the app goes to remote connection - so far so good, but when I get home, get on my wifi, it forever stays on remote connection until I manually search for the miniserver in the app and login again.
Is there a way to make the app switch to local connection automatically when I'm on the same network? This huge delay is really annoying when I'm actually 10 meters away from the miniserver and on the same network.