Assigning button events to light control actions

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  • brammh
    • 11.09.2023
    • 1


    Assigning button events to light control actions

    Hi, forgive me the newbee question! Just have my first Loxone HW, and struggling more then expected to implement a simple use case between a loxone light and touch button.
    What I would like is a ‘next-mood’ on a single click, 'dim-up' on a long click and a 'specific mood' on double click of the same TI1 input of my T5 loxone button. I was expecting it’s easy to connect whatever event to whatever action, though I don’t get it yet. Difference between a single / double or long click event seems difficult without multiple program blocks, and just a dim-up input is not there on the lighting controller (it seems a combination with ‘on’ on LC1..4 inputs).

    I’m not looking for the exact answer, just want to understand if I’m completely off in my above observation and need to spend more time on training / reading. Or better stay in another environment like node-red for this kind of logic?
    Thanks! bram
  • Christian Fenzl
    Lebende Foren Legende
    • 31.08.2015
    • 11234

    The light control block has very specific functions assigned for the T5 inputs. This is documented in the light controller documentation.

    Whenever you want to leave Loxone’s thinking of how light may or should be controlled with T5, you have to split the T5 buttons and build your own functions with additional logic blocks.

    This is “by design” and as soon as you get used to the available function blocks, you can create sophisticated and usable logic.

    Try the function blocks with simulation and use the quick and online help for the explanation.

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