Shelly Duo

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  • belisarius
    Dumb Home'r
    • 05.02.2024
    • 10


    Shelly Duo

    Hello, i have a question regarding shelly duo output virtual command. The on off command works fine but i cant seem to have the brightness and output commands to work, i think its a problem with the command writing. Does anyone have a working command for brightness and temperature control of the shelly duo in loxone?
    Thank you.
  • Christian Fenzl
    Lebende Foren Legende
    • 31.08.2015
    • 11234

    What protocol?

    With MQTT, you’ll have to publish a json with the values:

    Hilfe für die Menschen der Ukraine:


    • belisarius
      belisarius kommentierte
      Kommentar bearbeiten
      I am using MQTT however I don't know how to transfer the JSON to the output command line in the "command for on". Do you have any sample for them?
  • Christian Fenzl
    Lebende Foren Legende
    • 31.08.2015
    • 11234

    Simply paste the example json AFTER the topic in the VO Command as a first test.
    You can use the Quick Publisher in LoxBerry for testing.

    I’ve no example, but possibly there is one in the Shelly article in
    Zuletzt geändert von Christian Fenzl; 05.04.2024, 09:52.
    Hilfe für die Menschen der Ukraine:


    • belisarius
      belisarius kommentierte
      Kommentar bearbeiten
      Thats what i have tried but it does not seem to work:
      The output command for on is:

      shellies/ShellyBulbDuo-<deviceid>/light/0/set {\r\n "brightness": 100, /* brightness, 0..100 */\r\n "white": 0, /* white level, 0..100 */\r\n "temp": 2700, /* color temperature in K, 2700..6500 */\r\n "turn": "on", /* "on", "off" or "toggle" */\r\n "transition": 500 /* One-shot transition, `0..5000` [ms] */\r\n}

      There must be something wrong with the written command and i couldnt find any other resources to help.
  • Christian Fenzl
    Lebende Foren Legende
    • 31.08.2015
    • 11234

    You have to remove the comments from the example!
    Hilfe für die Menschen der Ukraine:


    • belisarius
      belisarius kommentierte
      Kommentar bearbeiten
      tried it, still doesnt work: shellies/ShellyBulbDuo-<deviceid>/light/0/set {\r\n "brightness": 100, "white": 0,"temp": 2700, "turn": "on","transition": 500 , `0..5000` [ms] \r\n}.
      The VO command is not compatible with the json format, the json must be turned into http command i think
      Unfortunately there is no available forum or tutorial for such issue.
  • AlexAn
    Lebende Foren Legende
    • 25.08.2015
    • 4300

    Shelly per MQTT Plugin - LoxWiki - LoxWiki (

    Klicke auf die Grafik für eine vergrößerte Ansicht  Name: image.png Ansichten: 0 Größe: 242,6 KB ID: 428769

    Klicke auf die Grafik für eine vergrößerte Ansicht  Name: image.png Ansichten: 0 Größe: 44,8 KB ID: 428770
    Grüße Alex

