set lowest possible target temperature for cooling

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  • tstaels
    • 20.09.2021
    • 1

    set lowest possible target temperature for cooling

    After configuring my HVAC as per this Loxone webinar by Hugh Ewen ( ), I've noticed that the lowest target temperature that a user can set is 18°C.

    Cooling down to 18°C makes no sense in my opinion, so I would like to increase this to 21°C, but not seeing any way to influence this in the Intelligent Room Controller nor in the Climate controller.

    Put another way : how can i block users from setting a cooling temp lower than 21°C ?

    Does anyone have a clue for me ?

    Zuletzt geändert von tstaels; 16.05.2024, 10:39.
  • SmartMastersAT
    Smart Home'r
    • 20.10.2023
    • 72

    tstaels Hello, the HVAC controller unfortunately has no inputs for the target temperature or any way of adjusting the limits.
    May this would be a "feature request" you can place at Loxone...

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