Our house construction company has setup and configured lights and blinds control through Loxone (the whole house is equipped with Tree touch switches). I am trying to learn how to configure Loxone myself for small changes, but the learning curve has been very steep so far.
I would like to make a very small change, but I am not understanding very well the current configuration: Our hallway has 4 tree touch switches that control ceiling lights (simple on/off, no dimming). This is what the configuration looks like and it's working fine:
If I understand well from the documentation, the fact that the switches are connected to M+ and not to any Lc circuit, means that with simple click they select the next mood and with double click the lights go off (which is what is happening btw, though not sure what the moods in this case are, expect than simply turning on the lights).
Q1: Is there a place where I can check what other moods might be configured there?
I want to change the function of the last switch (Diele bei Treppe) to control the light of the stairs instead. Looking at the Lighting Controller of the room that controls the stair lights (Galerie) I see the following:
So the first surprise is that the switch, 'Diele bei Treppe' is already there and connected to Lc1, but when clicking that switch it only turns on the lights in the hallway. Secondary (in sequence) click doesn't do anything.
From the rest of the switches, I understand that by default, the sequence is; first Lc1 is turned on and then Lc2.
Q2: How can I configure the 'Diele bei Treppe' switch to only turn on Lc2 (stair lights) without any secondary click needed. Do I need a new Lighting Controller module?
Thank you for your help in advance!