About the Loxone Dns service !
About the Loxone Dns service !
At the link http://www.loxone.com/enen/service/d...s-service.html , we can connect in a browser the URL you enter is dns.loxonecloud.com/Miniserver Serial Number For example dns.loxonecloud.com/EEE000240037 or dns.loxonecloud.com/504F94100EF3. I have a question for that . How can we input the external IP address at loxone intercom ? just input the dns.loxonecloud.com/EEE000240037 with port number ? I found the intercom not to working like that when we access it from internet .Zuletzt geändert von Gast; 08.06.2016, 21:24.Stichworte: -