Loxone cloud DNS + 4G mobile portable internet issue

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  • querex
    Extension Master
    • 14.07.2020
    • 177


    Loxone cloud DNS + 4G mobile portable internet issue

    Loxone cloud DNS + 4G mobile portable internet issue

    On a remote site, I use a 4G mobile router + Loxone miniserver GEN2 + Loxone remote connect service.
    Works like a sharm on a SIM card of mobile provider 1.
    Loxone remote connect not work on a SIM card of mobile provider 2, miniserver has internet access and is able to send push notifications / e-mails trough the Loxone cloud mailer / ...

    I can't find the root cause why Loxone cloudDNS does not work on provider 2 and does not work on provider 1.

    Remote connect status service: https://dns.loxonecloud.com/getIp?sn...XXXX&json=true
    Gives response {"cmd":"getip","Code":482,"IP":"","PortOpen":fa lse ,"DNS-Status":"registered"}
    Documentation Loxone CloudDNS: Code 482 = Miniserver connection via remote connect was aborted due to a timeout

    I'm able to reach all needed Loxone services (DNS resolving / ping / WinMTR check)

    Pings to Loxone services seems ok < 100ms.

    The mobile service provider 2 (sim 2) says everything is "ok", I need to provide more technical information if it is an issue of their network. Bleh!

    Anything else I can check?
    Anyone knows what the root cause of "Code 482 = Miniserver connection via remote connect was aborted due to a timeout" can be?
    Zuletzt geändert von querex; 13.01.2025, 20:03.
    Smart home : Miniserver Gen2, 2xRelay ext, 2xDimmer ext, 4xExtensions, Tree ext, Air base ext, RGBW dimmer tree, 13xTouch tree, 6xMotion sensor tree, 9xEsylux PD-C 360i 8UC, 15xValve actuator tree, 9xSmoke detector air, 4xSmart socket air , IR control air, Remote air, SDM630 modbus kWh
    Multimedia: MS4H on PI4 with 7 zones + Dayton Audio MA1240a, Epson EH-TW7100 + Onkyo TX-NR686 + IR repeaters
    Peripherals: Loxberry on PI4, Mobotix T26 doorbell, AVS TS85X-2 LED siren, Xiaomi MiJia 1S
  • Leigh
    MS Profi
    • 25.08.2015
    • 705

    Zitat von querex
    Loxone cloud DNS + 4G mobile portable internet issue

    I can't find the root cause why Loxone cloudDNS does not work on provider 2 and does not work on provider 1.
    Because Provider 1 provides a public IP address and Provider 2 only a private IP address.
    Your Internet access is implemented at Provider 2 via a provider's own NAT router.

    If you Use a Teltonika RUTX Router, you can Resolve that Problem via ZeroTier Virtual Network!
    Ciao, Leigh

    Nur der eigene Geist setzt uns Grenzen...


    • querex
      Extension Master
      • 14.07.2020
      • 177

      Zitat von Leigh

      Because Provider 1 provides a public IP address and Provider 2 only a private IP address.
      Your Internet access is implemented at Provider 2 via a provider's own NAT router.

      If you Use a Teltonika RUTX Router, you can Resolve that Problem via ZeroTier Virtual Network!
      Thanks for your input.
      Both providers use CGNAT (private ip addresses).
      As I understand, CGNAT is a problem for the Loxone miniserver gen1 with port forwarding.
      But CGNAT should not be a problem for the Loxone miniserver gen2 which can use the Loxone Cloud DNS?

      Correct me if I'm wrong!
      Thanks for your input!
      Smart home : Miniserver Gen2, 2xRelay ext, 2xDimmer ext, 4xExtensions, Tree ext, Air base ext, RGBW dimmer tree, 13xTouch tree, 6xMotion sensor tree, 9xEsylux PD-C 360i 8UC, 15xValve actuator tree, 9xSmoke detector air, 4xSmart socket air , IR control air, Remote air, SDM630 modbus kWh
      Multimedia: MS4H on PI4 with 7 zones + Dayton Audio MA1240a, Epson EH-TW7100 + Onkyo TX-NR686 + IR repeaters
      Peripherals: Loxberry on PI4, Mobotix T26 doorbell, AVS TS85X-2 LED siren, Xiaomi MiJia 1S


      • Leigh
        MS Profi
        • 25.08.2015
        • 705

        Then it seems that at Miniserver 1 is Remote Connect enabled, at Miniserver 2 not.
        Cloud DNS is only a DNS Service if you do not have a static IP!
        Ciao, Leigh

        Nur der eigene Geist setzt uns Grenzen...


        • Jan W.
          Lox Guru
          • 30.08.2015
          • 1364

          Both providers use CGNAT (private ip addresses). As I understand, CGNAT is a problem for the Loxone miniserver gen1 with port forwarding. But CGNAT should not be a problem for the Loxone miniserver gen2 which can use the Loxone Cloud DNS?
          Initially the Loxone Cloud DNS service was responding with a HTTP redirect to your official IP address (either IPv4 or IPv6) for requests like http://dns.loxonecloud.com/“MAC-ADRESS-OF-MINISERVER". Your client must be able to understand the redirect and able to establish a new TCP connection towards that IP address and port. Such a service (obviously) only works if you have an official IP address on your Internet router and have configured a port forwarding. Port forwarding is a security issue, because that port is open for everybody on the Internet.

          Later Loxone has enhanced the service on MS gen. 2 to make it more secure and easier to use. It does not require a port forwarding on your router and also supports ISP's that use CGNAT. The enhancement was called "Remote Connect Service" an uses "an encrypted TLS tunnel" from your MS to the Loxone cloud. There is very little information about any details and I have a MS gen. 1 only. It is difficult to do any troubleshooting, because the traffic from the Loxone cloud to your MS is encrypted. Technically it's just a simple outbound TLS connection that will be allowed by any ISP with any type of IP address.

          Do you get the same type of private IP address on your 4G/mobile router with both ISPs? Maybe there is an issue if IPv4 to IPv6 translation is on the path?To my understanding code 482 is only send back, if the MS was connected via Remote Connect. From the message you got ("PortOpen":false), I would try a different port if possible.
          Miniserver v14.5.12.7, 2x Ext., 2x Relay Ext., 2x Dimmer Ext., DMX Ext., 1-Wire Ext., Gira KNX Tastsensor 3 Komfort, Gira KNX Präsenzmelder, Fenster- und Türkontakte, Loxone Regen- und Windsensor, Gira Dual Q Rauchmelder vernetzt, 1x Relais-Modul
          Loxberry: SmartMeter, MS Backup, CamConnect, Weather4Lox
          Lüftung: Helios KWL EC 370W ET mit Modbus TCP - via Pico-C
          Heizung: Stiebel Eltron WPF 5 cool (Sole-Wasser WP) mit ISG, FB-Heizung mit 18 Kreisen, Erdsonde - via modbus/TCP
          Node-RED: IKEA Tradfri

