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ok, very stupid question... but I don't want to lock myself out of the miniserver.
How do I set the password?
Do I just set it in the settings and upload a file that has the same admin password? Or do I just upload a file where the admin account has a better password?
(so far, it was fully shielded off, so the password was not that important. Now I'll open up my VPN, and just in case I want the miniserver to also have a better password)
Hi Jörg, you could do this either in the Loxone Config Application (Settings of "User" Node in the Object Tree) or in the App/Webinterface itself. The first option requires to store the new configuration to the miniserver. For the second option you have already to be logged in (indeed) and the function is available i the setting menu.
Thanks! So in the first option, you basically set it in the config and upload the file.
Does this mean that if you use the second option, and then upload a config file with a different admin password, this will change the password?
I have to upload a new config anyway (changes to the config, different passwords for all users), so I will just use the first option.
(I know these are stupid questions, but my miniserver is not that accessible, so I want to minimize the chance of locking myself out :-))
Does this mean that if you use the second option, and then upload a config file with a different admin password, this will change the password?
Shure :-) This is one of the reasons why you should always load the current configuration into your application first. Before making any changes. This ensures to get the latest version to you local environment and this vacates the danger to overwrite your last change
Well, I change so many things offline that it is difficult for me to load the current one first (another reason why I kept the default password for now, and kept the system fully disconnected). But I keep proper track of the files, so I always know which file was the last one I uploaded. :-) But I also know that once I start messing with passwords, I need to be extra careful...
I was not sure about the relation between setting the password in the properties and the password in the config file, but now I get it.
Your're welcome.
I fight with different versions, too. Sometimes I change the config from the company computer and another time from my private notebook and tada - something wents odd again. It's very difficult fully to avoid overwriting an existing config. You must discipline yourself and pay attention to the files. My Config file is in a source code repository with versioning in the meantime. This is much helpful.
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