Basic heating controls: sleep and holidays

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  • DrawS
    • vor 6 Tagen
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    Basic heating controls: sleep and holidays

    Dear Forum,

    I’ve had a Loxone installation done end of last year. All Air system because my house didn't have any wiring done originally. It uses basic Touch controllers and the heating system.

    I’ve been looking ever since for two - in my mind - extremely basic functions of any modern thermostat: 1) “sleep”, 2) “away from the house” and 3) holidays. I just can’t seem to find how to program it, except room per room which feels extremely impractical. Could anyone please help me figure this out? The key issue seems to be that there’s no “ECO” or “Comfort” button like there’s a button the shut down all lighting.

    1) Sleep: Basic room guidance for temperature is given under a typical weekly schedule. That assumes waking up at 6 going to sleep at 11. Because of our baby, it’s a frequent occurence to go to bed earlier than 11, at which point I’d love to set all temperature guidance to “ECO” until the end of the day. —> it seems I can only turn everything OFF or do this room by room?
    2) “Out of the House” - same thing, I just want to override the typical schedule until end of the dag and set everything to Eco? In an ideal world I could tell it when I expect to be back so it pre-heats for that time? I could live with a manual setup where I turn it back on myself.
    3) Holidays - extention of “Out of the House” however where the logic is multiple days, not a single day?

    Many thanks dor your help!
    I’m assuming I’m missing something because this should be so so basic?

  • duncan
    LoxBus Spammer
    • 28.08.2015
    • 315

    the key here is operating modes - you can add these to each heating block at the top of the list and set a suitable temperature when that mode is active

    when you create an operating mode, you have to click on it and select "add output reference" at the top and drop it to your config - you can then use a real or virtual switch to activate that mode

    so for instance a holiday mode is added to all the IRCs, with the temperature set at setback/eco or frost protection for the whole of the 24hr period - whenever it is active it will override the IRC normal shedule

    if you want the mode to turn off after a set time, you can use the virtual / real switch to activate a stairwell lights switch which has a countdown timer, and use the output of this to activate the mood

    similarly you can create the same for a "goodnight" function - mine has a scheduler to activate the goodnight operating mode, but has a button to manually toggle it on/off

    Angehängte Dateien


    • DrawS
      • vor 6 Tagen
      • 2

      Dear Duncan,

      first of: many thanks for the response, truly appreciate it!

      Secondly (and perhaps sadly) would it be possible to dump this down or direct me to a “How to” or “Manual” that I can read to enable this?

      I can’t seem to find “operating mode” in the app (there’s automatic designer and there’s operating times?) so I’m assuming this needs to happen in the config? I’m a bit surprised it wouldn’t work the other way around: here’s a button, button should turn all heating in all rooms to ECO. That feels like the simplest of logical conditions to set up?

      thanks again! And sorry to be getting lost in Loxone’s system…


      • duncan
        LoxBus Spammer
        • 28.08.2015
        • 315

        ive added a loxconfig with exemples of everything - you can open this in config as well as your own file and copy/paste some bits or copy bits you want into your own
        work on a copy of your existing config so you have a backup!

        Angehängte Dateien


        • BBenda
          Smart Home'r
          • 06.01.2023
          • 50

          you can use operating mode in a way as you want to: push one button --> operating mode is active/inactive --> reaction on all configured components e.g. all room controlers go on ECO mode.

