HomeKit/Siri Loxone devlog

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    HomeKit/Siri Loxone devlog

    I am working on a HomeKit/Siri integration with Loxone and plan to have a devlog in this thread for other users to follow the progress and exchange our findings.

    * played with a MIDI controller (Novation LaunchKey 25) to control the lights and dim the lights via the knobs. better to have a hardware feedback than virtual touch

    * [working] turn on/off and change the brightness of a LED strip via Siri commands ("turn the lights on", "dim the lights to 50%")
    * use https://github.com/KhaosT/HAP-NodeJS for bridging Loxone to HomeKit

    * play withHomeKit Accessory Simulator
    * compile and test https://developer.apple.com/library/...ion/Intro.html to save data in HomeKit database
    * get an Apple Developer account to be able to test on the device (iOS Simulator has several limitations)


    * implement major Loxone function blocks (lighting controller, blinds, heating) as HomeKit accessories
    * UI vector based editor for dashboard creation inside the app
    * HTML/CSS export to be able to have an Android version as well
    Zuletzt geändert von Gast; 20.09.2015, 19:51. Grund: added 2015.09.20
  • Gast

    Wow! Very nice! I'll be sure to keep an eye on this thread.

    Will it also be able to track the position in the house of the user by means of his iPhone in his pocket (by the use of iBeacons) ? I think there are very nice Geofencing possibilities when this becomes available, eg. you could make the lights in a room turn on simply by walking into it because the system knows where you are inside your house.

