* played with a MIDI controller (Novation LaunchKey 25) to control the lights and dim the lights via the knobs. better to have a hardware feedback than virtual touch
* [working] turn on/off and change the brightness of a LED strip via Siri commands ("turn the lights on", "dim the lights to 50%")
* use https://github.com/KhaosT/HAP-NodeJS for bridging Loxone to HomeKit
* play withHomeKit Accessory Simulator
* compile and test https://developer.apple.com/library/...ion/Intro.html to save data in HomeKit database
* get an Apple Developer account to be able to test on the device (iOS Simulator has several limitations)
* implement major Loxone function blocks (lighting controller, blinds, heating) as HomeKit accessories
* UI vector based editor for dashboard creation inside the app
* HTML/CSS export to be able to have an Android version as well