Import users from spreadsheet

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    Import users from spreadsheet

    I have about 600 users on an old obsolete door access system using iButtons. Has anyone any suggestions as to how I can import the users (names, groups and iButton serial numbers) into the miniserver?


  • soko
    Extension Master
    • 07.09.2015
    • 124

    Hi Paul,

    It might work in theory if you don't shy of programming work.
    If you open the loxone-config files with a text-editor (notepad, notepad++, ultraedit) you see that its nothing more than a xml-file. Ive just had a look and if you look for the "Type="UserCaption"" tag you find the list of users.

    You have to dig in a little and find out what all the attributes of the tags are but once done you could write a little script which generates the tags out of your spreadsheet and just copy & paste them in their.

    Best way would be to create one user with the iButton-tag etc. manually in the software and see how the file got changed by the loxone-config software. then just copy the stuff for all your users via script.

    Be aware that some attributes may have to be unique per user. The U="0c7c9ab0-00e0-203c-ffff48ab61523598" for example looks like that...

    So maybe its even better to manually create two users and see which tag & attributes are the same and which one are different.

    good luck!


    • Christian_RX7
      Extension Master
      • 04.09.2015
      • 151

      In some cases it will work to use always the same U-ID, because when you open the file in the Config, then an autocorretion will start.
      The U-ID is easy to generate: U="aaaaaaaa-bbbb-cccc-dddddddddddddddd"
      a = Time in seconds since 1.1.2009
      b = Milliseconds since 1.1.2009
      c = Ticks since 1.1.2009 (not complete sure, but it works)
      d = Project ID, see other U-IDs

      Password generation, I have no idea.
      To insert the user into an usergroup you have to set a reference in the choosen Type="UserGroup" with <C Type="RefUser" ... but that is easier and faster in the Config software.

      Good luck,
      24V Bewegungsmelder für Jung, Gira und Berker
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      • soko
        Extension Master
        • 07.09.2015
        • 124

        Cool, thx for the run down on the UID! I didnt know that

