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Has anyone any experience with implementing weather forecast from yr.no in XML fomat to Loxone. E.g. http://www.yr.no/place/Slovakia/Ko%C...e/forecast.xml
What should be used in Command recognition of Virtual Http input command, in order to read e.g. forecasted temperature for the following time period (0) ?
Hmm I have no problem with such an inputs:
URL of virtual http input: http://weather.tuxnet24.de/?mode=xml&id=LOXX0003&unit=c
Command recognition for e.g. current temperature: \i<current_temp>\i\v
Command recognition for e.g. current humidity: \i<humidity>\i\v
long story short:
1. register here http://www.wunderground.com/weather/api/ to get the reg number
2. http://www.wunderground.com/wundermap/ - find your location
3.take Wunderground API - Programm v2.Loxone from there open it and doubleclick on the "program" module and edit the lines
#define API_KEY "xxxxxxxxxxx" // <-- Hier den API-Key eintragen. // Put your API-Key here.
#define STATION "pws:IPRHONIC2" // <-- Hier ID der Wetterstation eintragen. // Put your Station ID here.
#define LANG "SK" // <-- Sprache // Language (http://www.wunderground.com/weather/...e-support&MR=1)
#define SERVER "api.wunderground.com"
4. Also copy content of VIU_Wunderground API Template.zip to "C:\ProgramData\Loxone\Loxone Config XXX\Templates\VirtualIn" After in Loxone Config: Miniserver -> Virtual I/O -> template import
I'm intressted inn a working solution using yr.no to. So if sombody can make a guide to get the informasjon from the xml files inn to loxone, I will be very pleased
Just found this thread and was curious about using the yr.no website for weather myself. I did struggle a bit to find out how to use the Loxone "regex", but i finally found out how to use it on yr.no.
URL of virtual http input: http://www.yr.no/sted/<your location>/forecast_hour_by_hour.xml (see the yr.no website for the path for your location)
Command recognition for e.g. current temperature: \i<tabular>\i\i<temperature\i\ivalue="\i\v
Command recognition for e.g. current precipitation: \i<tabular>\i\i<precipitation\i\ivalue="\i\v
Command recognition for e.g. temperature the next hour: \i<tabular>\i\i</time>\i\i<temperature\i\ivalue="\i\v
Command recognition for e.g. precipitationthe next hour: \i<tabular>\i\i</time>\i\i<precipitation\i\ivalue="\i\v
Command recognition for e.g. temperature in 2 hours: \i<tabular>\i\i</time>\i\i</time>\i\i<temperature\i\ivalue="\i\v
Command recognition for e.g. precipitation in 2 hours: \i<tabular>\i\i</time>\i\i</time>\i\i<precipitation\i\ivalue="\i\v
and so forth. Study the XML to get the details you want. For every </time> you add to the command, the next hour is read. I found that the trick was to use the \ixxx\i a lot. the suggested method of using 'value="\v' did not work for me.
Hello! This has been working great for several years, but 01.02.2022 YR.NO has changed their API, and I am struggling to re-configure my Loxone to retrieve the weather data.
I've been using YR.NO weather forecast for years and switched to querying with LoxberryXL > MQTT > Loxone some time ago. I use it to make the 1, 2, 3 and 4 hour predictions. If you are using Loxberry and are interested, I can provide you with the php script!
I've considered Loxberry, but if possible I'd prefer to keep the as a simple and clean install with the least number of dependencies. Are there no other work around?
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