Loxconfig installs Teamviewer?

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  • J V
    LoxBus Spammer
    • 28.08.2015
    • 367


    Loxconfig installs Teamviewer?


    Does anyone have an idea why Loxconfig installs Teamviewer?

    edit: not sure about version 8, but installs it in the folder where loxone config is installed


    Zuletzt geändert von J V; 09.08.2016, 12:17.
  • Gast

    It certainly shouldn't install teamviewer without permission. However, TeamViewer is used by Loxone to remotely solve customer problems. So, for example, if you open a problem report and they can't help you without accessing your PC remotely, they will ask you to install TeamViewer and setup a meeting.

    However, having LoxConfig install teamviewer just like that is strange. First time I hear about that.


    • J V
      LoxBus Spammer
      • 28.08.2015
      • 367

      It does not show up in the startmenu, but there is an executable in the in the folder where Loxone Config is installed. I just noticed it when looking for something else.


      • Robert L.
        MS Profi
        • 26.08.2015
        • 922

        in lox config go to "Diagnose->loxone support"
        will start this teamviewer

        i is not uncommon to also ship teamviewer with the product


        • Gast

          Zitat von Robert L.
          in lox config go to "Diagnose->loxone support"
          will start this teamviewer

          i is not uncommon to also ship teamviewer with the product
          Yes, that makes sense. Shipping teamviewer with the product so you don't have to download it at short notice.


          • J V
            LoxBus Spammer
            • 28.08.2015
            • 367

            Yes... ok. It makes sense. :-)
            I was a bit surprised to find Teamviewer, without any notification that it would be installed, so I mainly wanted to be sure that it is ok that it is there. If it is used in that way, it should not pose any security issue (not running normally). Would just be nice if it were mentioned somewhere at all.


