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I'm trying to use the state function block (4 inputs, 1 text output, 1 analog output). How do you use the analog output?
In the block, I put a constant value there (e.g. 1), but even when those conditions are satisfied, and during live view I can see that the text output is correct, the output value of the analog output stays 0.0 ...
Why is this not 1 for that case?
In the table with the logic, you have value and text as output.
In the value field, you can enter a static value (like 1), or the value of an input (for example, <v1> for the value of input 1).
See the examples and the text below the logic table.
Regards, Christian
So something else must be wrong: my output text changes to what I set in the table, but the analog output stays on 0.0, even though values are set in the table. I will have to check further to find out under what conditions I have that behaviour...
Strange... I cannot reproduce it... Now it works fine... One thing may have been that I did not set all output values in the table, but I tested that to verify and it also does not give that behaviour (it then gives 0.0 for those that are not set, but the correct output for the others).
Problem solved... Weird... I was struggling with it all evening... :-)
EDIT: ok, now 99% sure that I had something wrong.
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