I'm thinking of enabling some statistics, but am a bit worried about the space it takes. Is there a way to automatically clear the statistics for a variable (e.g. after x recorded values, or delete at a specific day/time, delete all entries older than some time interval, ...)?
If the functionality is not there by default, can it maybe be "hacked in" by using the web api:
Using the file commands:
http://miniserver/dev/fslist/ Lists the root directory of the SD card
http://miniserver/dev/fslist/path/ Lists the directory path on the SD card
http://miniserver/dev/fsget/filepath/ Retrieves a file (replace filepath with the file name)
http://miniserver/dev/fsdel/filepath/ Deletes a file (replace filepath with the file name)
it may be possible to delete a file from the Loxone by calling its own web api.
The question the remains... which files store the statistics...?
Any suggestions?