Bootloop after power cycle and update

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    Bootloop after power cycle and update


    Last week I've updated my installation to Everything went fine until today. I've rebooted my 24VDC and suddenly the MS didn't want to start any more. I cannot even find it on the network. Both green leds blink from time to time and that's it.

    Luckily I have a spare SD card and an image available from the previous version. (I use Win32DiskImager btw to clone my SDs). After restoring the image on the SD card I performed an update again to and now everything is running except I lost some logging data of course.

    However the format SD card function which used to be under the maintenance tab... where is that hidden now? The new layout (I cannot say I like it at the moment) doesn't have a maintenance tab anymore it seems?

    Anyone else updated and rebooted their installation already? With or without problems?
  • Tico
    Lox Guru
    • 31.08.2016
    • 1035

    I had similar problems trying to find the maintenance tab, format SD card function on v8.

    I am a new user with Loxone with a brand new MS, so was a bit unfamiliar with everything. I couldn't communicate with the MS with version 8 and couldn't reformat the card to start again. I ended up installing and have stuck with it.
    Ich spreche kein Deutsch. Gib Google Translate die Schuld, wenn ich unverständlich bin.


    • Gast

      I should have stayed with that version too. A friend of mine warned me for things like this typical with Loxone. They release something but sometimes the first release isn't too stable. Also the info on the website is outdated, it mentions a screenshot with a maintenance tab but that tab is not even available in the latest software. I wonder if I could downgrade. the MS is probably not a problem but the extensions are also updated to the latest version.

      Ok, I've downgraded to the previous version Extensions didn't work at first. however, nice to know is that the extensions apparently automatically downgrade after the MS is booted.

      So I'm running again with the "old config software" which I personally like better atm.
      Zuletzt geändert von Gast; 11.09.2016, 17:47.

